Monday, January 09, 2006

WVU letter of offer: finally arrived.

Welcome to the end of limbo land. Helen resigned BEFORE I had a formal letter of offer. Scary. It took MONTHS and MONTHS for me and WUV and NASA to work out the particulars of this job.

But now it is here (like, 5 months after I started this job negotiation) and the next round of tension arrives. Packing! Moving! Finding a new house! Unpacking! Etc.

There's an on-line stress test and they say:

  • A score of 250 or more is considered high. 
  • With s score of 150 or less, you have a 37% chance of becoming seriously ill.  Between 150 to 300 and it jumps to 51%. 
  • Over 300 and there's an 80% chance of serious illness in the next 2 years.

I did my calcs and I'm at 270!

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