Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Blogging Tuesday

Woke up to BAD news. The SBIR committee did not buy our CEV connection. And so now that proposal is in serious trouble. Nothing definite till Oct 3 but all that work looks like it is down the tubes. Much lamenting.

Strode the four corners (the rose gardens in the Ladd addition). Much more yellow autumn lead.

Then phone calls with JPL and AMES people trying to understand what the CEV means for science at NASA. If you are into life science, the message is clear: back your bags. For the rest of us, much confusion and uncertainty

Lunch at Jam.

Much orgy on blogger: see Wrote some cool tools. Total programmer-in-the-zone.

Dinner at the little pasta place. Helen pleased++ with herself for some monumental changes to her DTC program- all shepherded along by the master diplomat and scholar, Helen Burgess Ph.D.

Home for more hacking. on Blogger.

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