Friday, September 01, 2006

Lost: 1 family

After 4 days in California of being a voyeur on family life at Chez Richardson, I went to D.C. for two days to a standard American soul-less hotel.

What a horrid contrast:
  • Before: intense sunshine light noise enthusiasm
  • After: disdained overcast hermetically- sealed sedated bored
When I left the hotel, they gave me a bill.

When I left California, they gave me a poem.
    While he was here we ate, drank, talked and laughed.
    Now, he has gone.
    The glasses go unemptied, the uneaten food begins to spoil.
    His legacy: a key, a cable, some money.
    And a bundle of cheese sticks.
    I hope that when I go, I will leave cheese sticks too.
I think I like poems better than bills.

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