Friday, May 05, 2006

Wit beyond her years

Originally uploaded by jeannetteok.
Ruby Altmann is four years old and a budding poet and song writer. Don't believe me? Well, check it...

Ruby wanted to know which was my computer and which was Helen's. Helen said the powerbook was mine because it was bigger than hers, just like I were bigger than her. She came out with the following:

he's bigger than my mom and dad,
he's as big as a tree,
he doesn't fit into my house!
...he is a stump tree boy, huh.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

She also, apparently, thinks your head is rather large.

Oh, and from the backseat this weekend:

"I wannooo ged AH-wayyyyy. I wan FLYYYYY away (pause) yeahhhhh (pause) yeahhhh--"

"Portie! Stop singing, it's tooo LOUD!"

"Yeahhh... BLAST DOOR!"