Thursday, May 25, 2006

My name is tim and i am a vimaholic

Originally uploaded by timmenzies.
It has been seven minutes since my last acrane keystroke.

Once, I used emacs but then I saw "vim" won best editor (2005) at the Linux Journal Reader's choice awards. So I thought, heh, I'll give it a go. That was a year ago and now I can't get enough. Often, I just logged on via an xterm and move the split bars around in ascii mode, just to show that I can. Sometimes, I just fire up gvim and gaze in awe at the list of syntax definition files for different langauges.

I got it bad, My .vimrc file gets editted daily. My color scheme is "darkblue" on cygwin and "delek" on a mac. My "make" files for a new site automatically build $HOME/.vim and $HOME/tmp/backup to store vim and vim backup stuff. My .bashrc rebuilds .vim/tags/mine every time I logged on.

But there's more. I've cracked the secret. I know the code "v.i.m. file " is German and short for "Very Impressise, Must edit file".

I don't need help, I don't want help. It can't hurt- just one more click around the screen watching pretty colors and and and I have to go and edit something.

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