Friday, April 07, 2006

not so australian anymore (2 of 2)

so i meet this aussie who has just moved to WV.

i've been here 8 years (off and on) and he's been here 8 weeks. his
culture shock is VERY familiar. like not being able to do X (e.g. get a
cellphone) cause everyone in america assumes you have Y (e.g. a social
security number) so some seemingly simple task takes WEEKS to
accomplish while you sort our Z (e.g. get that SSN number).
ah, memories.

he has this list of all that is wired in WV:

- the coffee is dishwater
- the beer is weak
- the cheese is the wrong color
- the bread is tasteless

all these things are true BUT i told him to tear up the list and just
suck it up. the only thing you can do is just suck it up and dive in,
and embrace your inner walmart.

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