Thursday, April 27, 2006

Home at last

Home at last
Originally uploaded by timmenzies.
So this is the end of a two week voyage from Morgantown to Hawaii to Portland to Baltimore then back to Morgantown. After a very hustle and bustely two weeks, Morgantown seemed ultra-peaceful.

I got in mid-evening to a basically deserted town. Right now, it is late in the session and all the students are off the streets, studying like mad.

I needed something for tomorrow's breakfast so I went shopping. The grocery store was deserted and as I walked round empty ailes, the Musak played only for me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That was so nice for you to be with Helen on her birthday. Some nice pics too.

I am really looking forward to coming over in Sept, can't wait to see you both and your new home.