Sunday, April 16, 2006

The Faculty = one excellent film

The Faculty
Originally uploaded by timmenzies.
I'd forgotten how good "The Faculty" is. Josh Hartnett, Elijah Woods, Jon Stewart, Robert Patrick, John Doggeitt gets a pretty good set of tentacles; Froddo Baggins ends up with the head cheerleader; and, in the end, teenagers on drugs save the world.

I liked the teacher's head, like an octopus, scuttling round the car park looking for her headless body.

I also liked that whole garage scene (when the only way our teenage warriors can prove how un-alien they are is to each take a hit of home home-made kitchen-sink drugs): so tightly filmed and tensely acted.

Then there's that Friday night football scene - where country-town high-school foot ball looks as alien as any moonscape.

And there's the logic of it all- if you invaded the world, you don't start by blowing up the White House. Instead, you start in small town Ohio.

Best of all, the head alien turned out to be XXXX (ooops, that would be telling).

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