Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Sunset beach, Oahu, Hawaii

Originally uploaded by timmenzies.
Behind this beach and lots of falling down bungalows and narrow streets choked by palm trees. All with high-speed internet (so I am told).

Not much real estate development- apparently Hawaiian law expressly forbids it (e.g. all beaches are public property; no more than 3% of the islands are to be developed).

Its like I've come to the very edge of America, where things change and certain (non)ethical standards are left behind. Me likey!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Tim,
My name is Jane and I’m with Dwellable. I’d love to have this post featured on our site...Shoot me an email if you’re open to it and I can fill you in a little more.
jane (at) dwellable (dot) com
Really hope to hear from you,